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Avena Sativa is said to lower uric acid levels in the blood. Avena Sativa has also been known to increase Libido.The fruits (seeds) contain alkaloids, such as gramine and avenine, as well as saponins, such as avenacosides A and B. The seeds are also rich in iron, manganese and zinc. However, when you have accepted that there is a problem and there is a need to work on it, then you can try different ways to treat psychosomatic impotence by using psychology as well. One does not need to turn to medications or surgery right away.One treatment that you can undergo is Psychosexual Therapy. In psychosexual therapy or psychotherapy, the man and his partner are given techniques or exercises to help them renew their intimacy, sexual relation, sexual interests, and arousal. Maca is a radish-like root vegetable that is related to the potato family, and is tuberous and spherical in form. The root itself is about three to six centimeters across and 4.7 centimeters in length. There are four recognized types of Maca Root based on the color of the root. The pituitary gland responds to this by increasing the amount of FSH it secretes into the blood stream in an attempt to increase estrogen production by the ovary. FSH is excreted into the urine and the home test kit checks your urine for an elevated FSH level. Urine tests are much more convenient than blood tests and are therefore ideal for home use.When should the test be done?If you are still having monthly periods, take the test on the first day of your menstruation cycle (the day bleeding starts) and repeat the test seven days later. . comSources:BusinessWeek Online - 02/12/2006; Romance Novels: Reading for Love, The Journal of Sex Research - 2/1/2001; Harold Leitenberg - Sexual Fantasies About One's Partner Versus Someone Else: Gender Differences in Incidence and Frequency, WebMD - 07/26/2004; Dulce Zamora - Revving Up Women's Sex Drive, Women's Health Wisdom Online Newsletter - March 2006; Christiane Northrup, M.D. - Turn Up the Heat on Your Desire, Psychology Today - Sep/Oct 95; Peter Doskoch - The Safest Sex, The Open Press - 02/02/2006; Maria Veloso - Romance Novels: Are They the Antidote to a Dreary Sex Life?
Some positions to try: her on top, so she's in complete control of penetration and speed. Side-by-side also limits how deeply he can penetrate.Problem 3: "He wants it all the time"If your partner is always after you for sex, and you're never "in the mood," you may be setting yourself up for some serious long-term relationship problems. Try not to think of this as his problem; there are a number of solutions you can enact that can directly affect you. . The hormone plays a part in helping grow muscle mass (similar to the same rate as other over the counter products such as creatine and whey protein), reversing osteoporosis by building stronger bones and strengthening bone tissue, and regulating sex hormones in both men and women (estrogen and testosterone.) It works along the same plane as human growth hormone, another anti-aging drug given to Andropause sufferers in particular.As stated previously, hormones are not synthetic. There are human derived hormones that are packaged in capsules and pills and sold to the general public to increase the amount of hormone already present in the body. Congenital testosterone deficiency is usually characterized by underdeveloped genitalia, and sometimes even undeterminable genitalia.Acquired testosterone deficiency that develops near puberty can result in enlargement of breast tissue (gynecomastia), sparse or absent pubic and body hair, and underdeveloped penis, testes, and muscle. Adults may experience diminished Libido, erectile dysfunction, muscle weakness, hair loss, depression, and other common mood disorders.Testosterone Info provides detailed information about testosterone creams and supplements, low testosterone therapy, testosterone for women, and more. Stay tuned for more on DHEA.About The Author:Cathy writes frequently on mid-life issues for women and men particularly menopause and andropause. A copy of her book can be found at .howtoconquermenopause.
By Wanda Anne DarnellAs more women of the baby boomer generation begin their journey into menopause, they are giving rise to a more wholesome attitude towards this natural part of a woman's sexual health. Your doctor is the best person to provide you with professional, individual advice and attention. Information you find online and in women's health publications is a useful supplement to your doctor's advice, and it's wise to read as widely as you can to get an overall picture of the issues. Your health is the most important thing you have, and while you are free to make your own choices about treating menopause symptoms, it's vital that you make these choices with your eyes open.Most experts believe that all of the common symptoms of menopause are caused by the dramatic decline and fluctuations in the body's levels of estrogen and to some extent progesterone, and the imbalance between them. The defined risk factor for BPH is age. Clinical BPH seems to run in families.In the early stages of the disease, the patient complains of hesitancy, a reduced stream and incomplete bladder emptying and then frequency, urgency and nocturia. Later on, prolonged micturition, acute urinary retention, urge incontinence, etc, can have a negative effect on the quality of life and may be associated with sexual dysfunction like erectile dysfunction and disorders of ejaculation. Mucana Pruriens ExtractA rare and powerful Ayurvedic herb that has unusally high levels of naturally occuring L-Dopa. L-Dopa is an amino acid that has been the subject of over 25 years of extensive scientific and medical research. It may help with improving sexual dysfunction, loss of Libido, stimulating arousal, and increasing intensity and frequency of orgasms for both men and women.Muira PuamaFound in the Amazon, this extraction is very potent and has an impressive research history of helping restore Libido and has been used to help prevent erectile dysfunction.
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