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  Female Libido

Female libido has only recently become a topic that society has felt comfortable discussing. The fact is that most women at some time if their lives will experience low libido (low sexual drive and diminished sexual satisfaction). This is very natural when it happens because of normal hormonal fluctuations that occur with age, menstruation cycles, and pregnancy. A loss of libido is nothing to be ashamed of, yet many women are embarrassed to discuss sexual issues with their doctor. A woman should certainly share any concerns she has about her libido with her doctor or gynecologist, as sometimes a loss of libido can indicate an underlying medical problem.

More women than men suffer from low libido. Men have had access to pills for sexual dysfunction for years, and it's only fair that women should have similar options made available to them. You will discover that there are several different sexual problems that women may experience. Many women have no problem with their sexual drive or desire, but often do not reach climax. Some women reach orgasm, but it is not strong enough to be satisfactory. There are other women who have totally lost their desire for sex. There are many causes for these sexual dysfunctions. Finding the cause for each specific issue for each individual woman is the first step toward treating the problem.

A healthy libido (sexuality) is different for every woman. Each woman is unique and what is normal for one woman might not be for another. There are instances when there is an imbalance in hormone levels. A simple blood test can diagnose any hormonal deficits and imbalances. It is extremely important that a woman be honest when describing her sexual difficulties, so that a treatment will be given that can correct the problem. Therefore, a woman should make sure that she has a doctor who she can confide in and who she feels comfortable with. There is no "one size fits all" treatment. Low female libido is a very general term that includes numerous sexual disorders. The list below might give you an idea of how many different causes there are for low libido in women. These causes are listed in no particular order.

Lack of Sleep
Weight Fluctuations
Excessive Dieting
Strenuous Exercise
Drug Abuse
Alcohol Abuse
Mental Illness
Medical Conditions

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